Thursday, August 12, 2010

I've had better days

Hope is not improving. It has been decided that she will have surgery on Saturday. I asked Dr. Webb, the doctor who's on today, to walk through the risks with me. She said Hope will go back on the ventilator and will have 48 hours where she gets worse before she gets better. But at this point it's looking like she'll wind up back on the ventilator anyways unless she gets some help. I asked how often babies die from the surgery. Dr. Webb has never seen a baby die from this surgery in 20 years. I asked how often the nerve going to the vocal chords gets severed. In 20 years, she has seen that happen twice. I asked her to please tell me that the surgeon has done this lots of times before. She said she's been in Spokane 11 years and he was here awhile before that. She said he's the best and she has the utmost confidence in him. I'm still asking God to close that duct back up. He's better than the best surgeon out there, but I guess we'll see what he decides to do.

I had a doctor's appt this morning because I have a sore along my incision. Turns out it's infected and I need to be on antibiotics. While I was there I asked her to take a look at me because my neck had felt pretty stiff last night and this morning. Turns out I have tonsillitis. I have been having a sore throat for 3 weeks now and went in to quick care last week. I was told it was either allergies or acid reflux. So I've been going in to see Hope. I freaked out. She assured me it was fine and I'm not contagious and the baby is fine. I've called the NICU and they seemed pretty calm about it and assured me Hope is not sick. I've been told to take a nap and call them when I get up. The nurse was going to talk to the doctor and just see what she had to say. Everyone is telling me I'm just exhausted and need to sleep. So I guess I'm going to go take a nap now.

Please keep praying for us.

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