Monday, July 19, 2010

A Word About the Video

Hi all! I just wanted to add a little bit about our video that Mike posted tonight. It scared me when I watched it, so I figured it might look a little scary to others too. First off, Hope's head looks pretty dented. The nurses have assured us that this will go back to normal as soon as she's no longer wearing her head gear. It is normal and nothing to worry about. Secondly, her eyes look pretty weird, but we have to say how amazing they are. The neonatalogist has been saying that Hope seems more like a 28 weeker than a 24 weeker. One of the only things that made her seem that young was the fact that her eyes weren't open yet. Well guess who decided to open both eyes today? That's right - our over-achieving little miracle baby! I also want to point out something that the nurse says in the back-ground. All that time that Mike was filming, Hope had her c-pap(sp?) off. This is the gizmo that goes in her nose and puffs a little air at her. The nurse points out that her oxygen saturation levels are fine throughout this whole thing. So she might look a little alien at this point, but she is one amazing little girl. Thank you, Jesus! Amy


  1. She is so beautiful! I loved the video... thanks for posting.

  2. She is beautiful. I look forward to seeing her in these updates. Take care & we love you all!

  3. It was great to see her eyes open and to see the size comparison of the nurse's hands to Hope's body. I loved seeing them fold the chapstick sized diaper 2 times! Amazing!!! Can't believe how "rough" the nurses were in handling her. I would be so timid. Thanks for the video and for your blogging. We love it!

  4. Thank you for keeping us posted. She is beautiful! I am still praying for you all. God bless you and give you HOPE!

    "'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" Jeremiah 29:11
